Story Boards: Initial Ideas

Below are our first draft of story boards. In the box there is a rough drawing of what should be seen on camera and in black is written a very brief description of what that is. Additionally, in pink I have written what camera frame we plan to use, in purple the camera angle and in green any camera movement.

During the creation of our storyboards, we decided to cut out one of the sequences and consequently change another. The parts of the story boards that are crossed out are the frames that we have decided to remove.

1.                                                                  2.

 3.                                                                  4.

We decided, half way through creating the storyboards, that the entire sequence depicted below should be cut out because we collectively felt that it was unrealistic (if we saw a dead body in the forest we would run as fast as we could to get away from it rather than stay to take a photo) and therefore create a negative effect in regards to the audience as they wouldn't want to watch a completely unrealistic film.


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