Research Focus: Threat

In our film opening, we have decided that the threat is a strange supernatural figure, who has stalked our victim and has some type of unspecified supernatural powers or attributes. The camera our victim uses is a key element of the threat in our opening, as it is used to reveal the grotesque mise-en-scene around her: such as the trail of blood and the dead body.

Supernatural Villains
In supernatural horrors, the villain will be a monster, or a humanoid creature that clearly belongs to the 'other'. The villain will possess dark and incredible powers which allow them to overpower and control the victims in the film. This will be reflected in our film opening sequence- as the villain shown at the end of our sequence will be clearly inhuman and belonging to another world. The supernatural element of our villain is also clearly shown, through the use of the photographs and the fact that certain elements of the creatures power can only be seen through the camera. The fact that the villain has supernatural abilities makes them more frightening- for both the audience and our victim- as it suggests that they are impossible to overcome due to the incredible powers they hold.

The Camera
The camera our victim uses to reveal elements of the supernatural is also one of the threats in our opening. Although it is not directly threatening to the victim itself, it allows her to both see and be scared by other supernatural and terrifying things. For example, the dead body (which is later revealed to be a close friend of the main victim) can only be seen through the camera. Therefore, the camera is arguably a tool for the supernatural villain, used to torture the victim and establish their power before eventually killing her. For both the victim and the audience, the camera serves as an insight into the supernatural, the 'other'. This means that the camera is indeed a threat, as helps to establish both the supernatural genre and powers the villain has, highlighting the helplessness of the victim and effectively terrifying the audience.


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