Pre-Production Experimenting: Voice And Sound

Within our supernatural horror film opening, voice and sound were going to play a huge part in generating tension and fear within the audience. (They also contributed to the jump scares we later filmed) Therefore, we needed to go to our filming site and record lots of sounds to add into our film opening during  post production editing


We decided that within our film opening, we would have the sounds of birds in the background throughout the whole opening. On the first visit to the location we set up the camera and recorded around a minute of audio. Upon reviewing the audio, we managed to record irregular intervals of birds cawing and owls hooting that would be perfect within our film opening.

Then, in post production, we repeated the audio file so it extended throughout the whole of the film opening. We then looked though the audio files on Final Cut Pro and decided to layer the original sound with wind howling to increase the eerie and ominous mood. Looking through the other various files, we decided to use lots of other files such as the bone breaking sound effect, dragging body sound effect and the camera click sound effect to establish a narrative towards the end of the film opening and create suspense as the screen was black as the sound effects played loudly in the background. These various audio files helped build tension and drama throughout the opening.

In terms of music, we first researched music in existing horror films and listened to the sound tracks from 'Paranormal Activity' and 'The Conjuring'. We drew up a list of common sounds within these films which included harsh violins and a children's music box. Looking online for copyrighted music, we found around five suitable music files and placed them into our film opening, moving, editing and overlaying the music until we were happy with how they sounded. An example of this was the lead up to our jump scare. Looking at Final Cut Pro, you can see we layered various audio files over each other to achieve the final sound. These included the audio of the birds chirping, the wind howling, the rising volume and pitch of violins and the loud bang.


To maintain the mystery and suspense of our film opening, we decided that we would not include any speech within our opening as most of the supernatural horror film openings we watched did not include speech or if they did, it was very little. The only voice file we recorded was my scream that we would add at the end of the film opening. We decided to add this as the audience would not be expecting it and it conforms to the codes and conventions of a horror film. During a study period, our group went out into an isolated part of the field and recorded around ten screams at different pitches and lengths. In post production, we inserted these towards the end of the film opening and over layered two separate audio files to create a louder and more impactful scream.


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