Day 3 - Filming

Day 3 - Filming

Upon reviewing the footage, collectively as a group, we decided to re-film all of the SFX makeup shots. We decided this for a number of reasons. Firstly, we didn't focus the camera properly to pick up all the details of the makeup and as we used bright red fake blood, the makeup just didn't look realistic enough. Secondly, as our teacher reviewed the footage she suggested that we have the supernatural creature jump or run up at the camera to truly scare our audience. With this in mind, we then brainstormed a bunch of ideas on how we could film a terrifying jump scare.

On the day of filming, we all headed over again to Maria's house and this time Maria was acting as the supernatural creature and not myself. Our friend Della, who has lots of experience in SFX makeup, came along and helped us create a gruesome look. Instead of buying just fake blood, we bought scab and clotted blood which are both richer in colour and have different textures which created a very realistic look. A time lapse of the makeup process is down below. The process is very much like last time but Della applied more textured materials to Maria's face that we didn't use before eg. grounded coffee beans and cotton wool.

After we had finished, we headed back to the forest surrounding River Shuttle and set up. We first shot Maria jumping at the camera from different angles and then her running up to the camera. We filmed this from different angles so we could create a match-on-action shot later if we wanted to. Maria also drenched her hand in blood and dragged it across a tree, leaving her hand print on the bark of the tree which looked very effective. For the remainder of filming we played around with the angles and shots to see what worked best For example, some of the most effective shots were Maria lying on her back, twisting around in agony and putting her neck in unnatural positions. As we were reviewing the footage we all agreed that the makeup was more realistic and the footage looks a lot more like what we wanted. Overall, the day was again a success.


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