Analysis Of 'Sydney Prescott' - Final Girl - Scream

Sidney Prescott - Final Girl

In Slasher Horror films, a killer will prey on a certain group of people who are violating basic morals in some way (In Scream the victims are promiscuous teenagers experimenting with drugs and alcohol). The general 'rules' to surviving a Slasher- as jokingly laid out in Scream- is to never have sex, drink or do drugs. Therefore the 'Final Girl' will be a virgin- who abstains from these things.

Sidney as a Final Girl
From the first moment the audience sees her- a dedicated Slasher fan knows that Sidney will be the Final Girl (one survivor). This is made very clear from her first appearance- just after the murder of Casey Becker, the killer's first victim.

From this scene - the audience can see that Sidney will be the final girl- as she does not have any of the characteristics of atypical Slasher victim. The mise en scene in her room strongly symbolises her purity and innocence. Her room is dominated by white- the furniture, walls, curtains- to represent purity, showing that Sidney is a virgin. The lace used on her curtains and bed sheets contribute to this idea, also showing her femininity- additionally conveyed through the flower-press pictures she has on her walls. A Slasher films' Final Girl must be feminine, resembling the traditional image of female values (beauty, delicacy etc.). Slashers traditionally idolise those who conform to what traditional societal values expect of them. So, instead of being out drinking or having sex, young women should engage in more passive activities and embrace their youth and purity before they enter woman hood. This is reflected in the decoration of Sidney's room also- the stuffed animals on her bed and the colourful poster for a female group. There is nothing in her room to suggest she is in any way sexual or engaging in any adult activity.

Her costuming also hints to her innocence- the white, shapeless night dress and girlish high ponytail tied with a white scrunchie further demonstrate she is the Final Girl.

Sidney's corruption
However, Sidney's character develops significantly throughout the film. Later, she and Billy have sex- an uncommon act for a Final Girl, as it goes against the expectations a Slasher has for her to be demure and innocent. Also quite unconventional near the end of the film: Sidney takes an active role in fighting back, and she is the one who eventual shoots Billy to end the killings. Typically, a Final Girl will use her wits and cunning to outsmart and hide from the killer, surviving till the end where the villain is killed either by his own arrogance, or by another character. The fact that Sidney is the one to kill Billy is rather unconventional, but striking and dramatically appropriate for the film.

Sidney Prescott compared with Casey Becker
At the film's opening, Casey Becker- an attractive young blonde woman- is the first character we encounter as an audience. Our initial judgement is that Casey must be the final girl. Casey is played by Drew Barrymore, a famous actress who we are used to seeing play leading roles. Typically, the Final Girl in the slasher would be the main character, so seeing Drew Barrymore leads us to believe this will be Casey.

However, Casey's interaction with the killer over her landline makes it obvious to us that she will not be the Final Girl. Casey flirts with him, and lies about having a boyfriend to make herself more attractive to him. As soon as she does this, anyone familiar with the Slasher genre will recognise that Casey cannot be the Final Girl, but will in fact be the killer's first victim.

When compared with Sidney, Casey is a very contrasting character. When we are first introduced to her, Casey is preparing to watch a film- making popcorn for herself. In contrast, in Sidney's introduction, we first see her doing school work at her computer. In this way, Sidney is characterised as studious, working on activities appropriate for her and so fitting with the conventions of the Final Girl- whereas Casey does not. Another comparison came be made when looking at how the two characters act within their relationships. Where Casey is disloyal, flirting with the anonymous caller- Sidney is faithful and caring towards her boyfriend Billy, again characterising her as the Final Girl and Casey as a victim.

In terms of costuming- Casey wears a demure white jumper and bottoms- the combination not dissimilar from Sidney's white- almost childish- night gown. This is done so as not to immediately reveal to the audience that Casey will be the killer's first victim, but to allow them to believe for a while that Casey may actually be the Final Girl. However, when looking closer, we see that Casey is wearing red lipstick. Traditionally- this creates a mature and almost lustful appearance, strongly contrasting with the minimal, natural makeup Sidney's character wears. This subtle addition to Casey's costume hints to her fate.

It can be argued that the similar costuming for Sidney and Casey leads the audience to make other comparisons between the two characters: such as the slightly ironic fact that Casey is condemned for flirting with the killer and dies, and that Sidney unknowingly gives herself to the killer (Billy), and is then attacked.

As the similar choices in costuming lead the audience to compare Casey and Sidney more closely, it helps the audience to notice other smaller differences between the two (as discussed above) and to further understand why Casey is a victim, and Sidney the surviving Final Girl.


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